.. currentmodule:: chafa ================= Terminal Database ================= :: import chafa database = chafa.TermDb() term_info = database.detect() TermDb ------ A :py:class:`TermDb` contains information on terminals, and can be used to obtain a suitable :py:class:`TermInfo` for a terminal environment. .. py:class:: TermDb(no_defaults: bool=False) :param bool no_defaults: If ``True``, the class will be initialised blank instead of with the default global database. .. py:method:: copy() :rtype: TermDb Returns a new :py:class:`TermDb` which is a copy of this one. .. py:method:: detect() :rtype: TermInfo Builds a new :py:class:`TermInfo` with capabilities implied by the system environment variables (principally the ``TERM`` variable, but also others). .. py:method:: get_fallback_info() :rtype: TermInfo Builds a new :py:class:`TermInfo` with fallback control sequences. This can be used with unknown but presumably modern terminals, or to supplement missing capabilities in a detected terminal.